There's no need to worry, this is just a vacation. This isn't permenant leaving.



There are bars and prisons everywhere.

In my wallet, in my phone conversations, in the people I deal with daily.

My family, my hobbies, my genes and my love.

I am almost ready to take whatever is necessary to free myself. I understand that freedom is a subjective view, that freedom can only exist in ones mind and never be fully exerted.

A free man is a man that does not live.

A man is born free, but there are chains everywhere.



Tune in, Drop out...

Has been repeated over and over by the great Timothy Leary...

Tune in, Drop out

Tune in, Drop out

Tune in, Drop out

Tune into your senses, tune into your being, tune into your essence, your life; tune into this world and understand the gift that is life! Drop out of the mainstream, drop out and under the radar and live this life as free as you can.

Tune into yourself, drop out of yourself.

Tomorrow I will tune into myself.

The sun will rise around 5:40 and life will begin again. At eight thirty I will rise out of bed unlike any other day. I will continue to excercise my body and leave my conciousness contempt after studying and reciting my work materials. At which point I will fall into comfort and relax myself whilst I await to go to work..

Dropping out of my existence as I see it and encompassing a whole new way of life. A whole new vision.

I guarantee and promise this to nobody but myself and I believe that effect starts today.



The calm before the storm...

I know sometimes I can be drastic.

There's always a reason behind it and honstesly I always find my reasons to be justified. Even today and with all the impromptu decisions I have made I can still take comfort in the thought that I am always in the right.

Last night I had an argument, or discussion, about how my arrogance secretes out of my body and filters into my words, unconciouslly. This causes me to think twice about wanting to express my opinion as much as I do. It seems everyone is too retentive on the comments others have to say, sometimes they even take things literal, even when the comment was totally not intended to be taken to the degree it was.


Thoughts or something like that

Today is tuesday, I said to myself at first light. I'm usually never up this early, but today was a different day. Today the light would shine so bright into my room I would wake up to find myself more aware. Aware of all my surroundings and all the thoughtless things I've done. All the people that have endured my actions.

I just need some more time.

I just need a little more time to figure out who I am. I have found why I am the way I am, I have found out why I believe what I do but I am still not sure who I am.

I am.....

The most important idea in human history. The most astonishing little sentnce and the words that speak louder than life and all its motions. Here I am, Rod sitting on the corner of Fair and Harbor attempting to find the ultimate answer of who am I? I still wonder what divine purpose I might serve, or what belittled existence I might lead. Unfortunately that is the least of my worries, whether I am leading a virtuso life ttat is undoubtly being measured by such low standards, how much money I make and what kind of car I drive. But I ask you this, is it not worth more today anymore to know about who you are?

I think in an effort to find out who I am, and what purpose I shoud lead I keep finding myself mor and more spiritual. Not in the sense that there is a spirit essence in all of us, because that of course is not true, but that we are here for an entirely different reason than the one we are being told. I can't help justify the work week alone. I can't bring myself to understand and believe in this system of giving up my precious limited time on this grand earth to work in some shitty retail store or in some company to help it make profit I will never see. It seems almost outlandish that this system has withstood the test of time.

blah blah blah



Everything sprouted and intertwined

A little like a redwood's branches and roots, but more like the cell structure of a plant. If you can understand what I mean, and I know it's abstract, you have felt this very same feeling of comfort in knowing that everything you see is real, but only because it can only co-exist with you.

It was then that I could feel the songs bass reverberate through my body, it was then that I could feel every little piece of grain that helped create the fiber that created the wooden floorboards that my drunken face lay on. It was then and only then that I could feel comfortable in my existence, and in my purpose. It seemed very simple at the moment I thought to myself as I stared down the floor over to where the busy feet scurried and stumbled towards the alcohol and back to the dance floor. The floor bent and spinned and my eyes tried and tried to keep focus but everything was lost, yet everything was in place in this skewed view.

Nevertheless the purpose was simple, to enjoy myself. To live and not bother with the specifics, the calculations of it all, because at the end of the complex logarithm needed to express a humans place in the vast universe would only be a man explaining to you that sometimes you don't need the grand finale of a billion year old epic. Life, he would say, only exists for you.

Enjoy. That would be his final word and with that the logarithm would compute that there is insufficient data.

I took a breath at this moment, I remember, because it was curiously 'filling'. It was as if I had reached the top of a mountain and breathed in the world all at once. I was empty and full all at once. Exhaling everything and nothing, then all was black.


I'm stumbling towards the couch...

And i'm trying not to gag at my own stench. It fills my nostrils and i feel it drift slowly into my lungs. it was about this time that I remember the floor growing rapidly in my eyesight, and suddenly feeling really heavy.

It was a couple minutes till I regained conciousness; as I lay there wallowing in my drunken stench I realized something about myself. There was nothing in my head at the moment, and I remember vividly looking up from the cold wood trim flooring and into the billions of dazzling lights and flashing strobes that everything was tied together as one.