There's no need to worry, this is just a vacation. This isn't permenant leaving.


Tune in, Drop out...

Has been repeated over and over by the great Timothy Leary...

Tune in, Drop out

Tune in, Drop out

Tune in, Drop out

Tune into your senses, tune into your being, tune into your essence, your life; tune into this world and understand the gift that is life! Drop out of the mainstream, drop out and under the radar and live this life as free as you can.

Tune into yourself, drop out of yourself.

Tomorrow I will tune into myself.

The sun will rise around 5:40 and life will begin again. At eight thirty I will rise out of bed unlike any other day. I will continue to excercise my body and leave my conciousness contempt after studying and reciting my work materials. At which point I will fall into comfort and relax myself whilst I await to go to work..

Dropping out of my existence as I see it and encompassing a whole new way of life. A whole new vision.

I guarantee and promise this to nobody but myself and I believe that effect starts today.


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