There's no need to worry, this is just a vacation. This isn't permenant leaving.


So another update

Musical rehearsals have started, we didn't get a break or anything.

The best part is that I'm playing the wizard which means minimal acting/dancing/singing which is good because for the last 2 plays i've been kind of overwhelmed especially with the O-Show.

Who cares though?

I've rediscovered hip hop for the 10th time now, this time in the form of MF Doom. There's just something about well orchestrated beats that seem to expand not only on the genre but the scope of music. There's one song that particularly comes to mind when i say this, it's of MF Doom - Doomsday! Track 2 where the whole background is a silent simple wic-wah on a turntable over and over and over again. With little bells and whistles and for some reason i just find this genius. Unlike the "Ghostride the Whip" song by e-40 which is just really loud bass with a random tink from a bar hitting metal or smoething.

I've also rediscovered an old genre that has stagnated for a couple of years now since, there seems to be no evolution to it besides maybe a slide into mainstream club scenes. Drum N' Bass remains virtually the same as it did 5 years ago. It's funny though, because just of random curiosity I decided I should download an old CD I had broken into pieces. It was called DieselBoy - System Upgrade, it was at its time, the greatest conversion of industrial and drum and bass, i think it was at that moment that Drum N' Bass decided it'd be a good idea to stop progressing.

In the indie rock scene, well, let's just say the leaked version of Built To Spill's - You In Reverse is more than a rehash of the Built To Spill sound. Somehow this is like a muddy treck through a stream of coca cola. What I mean is that sometimes it catches you off guard since you can't see what you're walking through but you're not scared because you know built to spill, and you know they won't ruin themselves. What a stupid analogy but whatever. It's great, so far Goin' Against Your Mind, Wait, Traces, Wherever You Go and Mess With Time seem to be the stand out tracks. Some songs are very poppy, but it doesn't matter because the whole time you're in guitar bliss.



And with his tounge the sickeness set fourth.

I'm undeniablly sick.

How sick? Well, i'd say an 8 on the 1-10 how sick are you considering 10 you're dying.

Yes, I feel worse than ever but whatever.

I've take 4 advil good luck!



Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone Now...

You say, somethings wrong.
This Kind of life style doesn't work.
I'm trying something else.
For a change, for a change.
Thats ok, ok, ok.

I've heard it all before, i've had it up to here.
Such a shame, such a shame, such a shame.



Live a life, not a lie

It's 1:43 am, I should be asleep.

But tonight was something else. I know it sounds corny. I know it sounds cliche. I know it. I know this. But what happened tonight made me feel accomplished. It made me feel like I was at the pinnacle of my school career(if you want to call it this.).

It's dumb, but it got me thinking.

I should be asleep, but I can't.

Mitch Hurwitz (famous for Arrested Development, also wrote the first Original Show 25 years ago) came down to little ol' Estancia to see us do our show. We had invited him and I knew he was coming but I didn't think much of it until he was there. I was nervous as usual, a little more this time because I knew he was a comedic genius and would be expecting, well, comedy. Let me add, he did get comedy. It was what he said after when it was all done that really made me feel good.

People told me it was funny, but this is like what a priest would feel like if jesus came down and said "Hey man, you're a great christian you've got to potential to make it to heaven."

Like I said, it's corny, but I feel accomplished.

Here I am, 18 years old I'm so confused with everything I have no idea where my future is going. College is there, but what am I going to do with it?

There is Mitch, and the O-Show. I wrote the sketches and really liked it. I don't think I've ever been so dedicated to make something good as this. Every time I'm out there, I try to put every ounce of energy, I really do. So when Mitch said "Rod, Excellent performance. You were great up there." I feel like i'm dreaming. It's so hard to put into words.

So I guess I'll just barf it out...

He said I have potential as a script writer. Not only that but he commented on how well the lines were said. This made me think, if I enjoyed this, and if people think it comes natural to me-then what the hell? Well, I don't know how easy it is to make into Hollywood, and this is crazy to even begin to think of this as a future but I can't help and say "What if?". What if Mitch can smell something about me that I don't even know? Hell, it could be Waiting for Rod in 25 years. I wish.

But for tonight, I want to say that the cast is doing great. The Managers, tech, all of you. I'm very proud of all of you because the stuff I wrote, and the stuff I act in, I give it all. It makes me feel a thousand times better knowing that you give it your all.

I have no idea where i'm going with this post, it's a long barf, I know.

I'm also very inconsistent with my "i"'s, it's a little funny.

Thanks, and I appreciate it.



This landscape

You know, I like music. I'm very picky about it, I don't like the whole genre (just for generalization here, indie rock)...I need a certain aspect of it.

I need it to be dynamic and atmospheric, I want sounds, I want instruments, I want intricacies, I want different, I want to be able to close my eyes and imagine a landscape of different sounds colliding and combining. I don't know why, but this is what I like, and now, this is what I want. The more atmospheric, the more I don't know or understand how it was made, the more i'm pulled in. I enjoy all sorts of rock, but I can't say I love the pop sound as much as I used too.

Recently, I've just nose dived into the sound of Animal Collective, Minus Story, and Built to Spill. The first two, helping me with that sound that I just love. Animal Collective is this strange sung band where you lose yourself in the distorted pop beats that are cleverly hidden between clashing sounds and instruments. Minus Story on the other hand, is just a very well put together band, hailing from Kentucky, the band brings a very unique sound of cacophony that manages to more or less be more than enticing to the ears. It's melodic, and distorted, it's loud, but it's quiet, and most importantly, it's good.

Built To Spill on the other hand...

Is more traditional guitar than anything else, but there's something about listening to Goin' Against Your Mind(their new single of course!) at 28 going 100 down the 405 freeway. It almost sends me away to a completely different place....

The orginal band list looked something like:

1. Modest Mouse
2. Radiohead
3. Pavement
4. Interpol
5. Built To Spill
6. Rage Against The Machine
7. The Pixies

and a lot of other stuff....but without further ado.........a brand new list for you!

1. Built To Spill
2. Minus Story
3. Animal Collective
4. Modest Mouse
5. The Unicorns
6. Stephen Malkamus(anything he's involved with, i absolutely love)
7. The New Pornographers
8. Cornelius
9 Wolf Parade
10. The Walkmen


Gotta crush high
Thought I crushed all I could
Crushed all I can then I touched your hand
Crush high
Dont want it to stop
Cause stories of your brother make my crush high pop
And you couldnt really know cause its in my toes
And sometimes i wonder whered that crush high go
Crush high then i go and take some pills
Cause i cant do all of my dos and still feel ill
You get that whooooooo
-Animal Collective: The Purple Bottle

This landscape

You know, I like music. I'm very picky about it, I don't like the whole genre (just for generalization here, indie rock)...I need a certain aspect of it.

I need to be dynamic and atmospheric, I want sounds, I want instruments, I want intricacies, I want different, I want to be able to close my eyes and imagine a landscape of different sounds colliding and combining. I don't know why, but this is what I like, and now, this is what I want. The more atmospheric, the more I don't know understand how it was made, the more i'm pulled in. I enjoy all sorts of rock, but I can't say I love the pop sound as much as I used too.

Recently, I've just nose dived into the sound of Animal Collective, Minus Story, and Built to Spill. The first two, helping me with that sound that I just love. Animal Collective is this strang sung band where you lose yourself in the distorted pop beats that are cleverly hidden between clashing sounds and instruments. Minus Story on the other hand, is just a very well put together band, hailing from Kentucky, the band brings a very unique sound of cacophony that manages to more or less be more than enticing to the ears. It's melodic, and distorted, it's loud, but it's quiet, and most importantly, it's good.

Built To Spill on the other hand...

Is more traditional guitar than anything else, but there's something about listening to Goin' Against Your Mind(their new single of course!) at 28 going 100 down the 405 freeway. It almost sends me away to a completely different place....

The orginal band list looked something like:

1. Modest Mouse
2. Radiohead
3. Pavement
4. Interpol
5. Built To Spill
6. Rage Against The Machine
7. The Pixies

and a lot of other stuff....but without further ado.........a brand new list for you!

1. Built To Spill
2. Minus Story
3. Animal Collective
4. Modest Mouse
5. The Unicorns
6. Stephen Malkamus(anything he's involved with, i absolutely love)
7. The New Pornographers
8. Cornelius
9 Wolf Parade
10. The Walkmen


Gotta crush high
Thought I crushed all I could
Crushed all I can then I touched your hand
Crush high
Dont want it to stop
Cause stories of your brother make my crush high pop
And you couldnt really know cause its in my toes
And sometimes i wonder whered that crush high go
Crush high then i go and take some pills
Cause i cant do all of my dos and still feel ill
You get that whooooooo
-Animal Collective: The Purple Bottle


Day 1

Well, I thought it would be best if I moved from the old blog. Since, no one uses it and...I'd much rather prefer this because it's sleeker, and sexier. Besides, as a blog it just looks more serious. Which is always a good thing.

The O-Show: Waiting for Hurwitz is on a full run I think. Allegedly Carlo said it was a ninety-eight percent performance. Which I mean, is pretty good since a hundred IS the max. He said no one tripped lines or blocking or anything. It was pretty good, and I felt last night.

Tonight though, is a bit different.

Tonight, not only was I being dragged by the fact that I have this horrible throat infection or whatever it is, but I was also tired from babysitting prior to the performance. I think I actually had a fever during the first three opening sketches. Unfortunately, everyone else was either worn out or not energized. It's sucky, but at least last night was a winner.


Tonight I went out with Robin again. Like we did before, we went on a drive that ended with parking/talking/blasting music. I came to the realization today that the reason I drive so fast is because of the fact that I can't listen to the sound of my engine most of the time so I don't know how fast I am pushing the engine since I don't usually keep one eye on the speedometer and the other on the road.

Going back on topic-

It was fun, and I enjoyed it.

I'm also tired. So while I thought I'd make a long glorious post, I'm going to stop and go to bed. Thx good-night.


Currently Listening toooooooooo: Bjork - It's Not Up To You