There's no need to worry, this is just a vacation. This isn't permenant leaving.


Live a life, not a lie

It's 1:43 am, I should be asleep.

But tonight was something else. I know it sounds corny. I know it sounds cliche. I know it. I know this. But what happened tonight made me feel accomplished. It made me feel like I was at the pinnacle of my school career(if you want to call it this.).

It's dumb, but it got me thinking.

I should be asleep, but I can't.

Mitch Hurwitz (famous for Arrested Development, also wrote the first Original Show 25 years ago) came down to little ol' Estancia to see us do our show. We had invited him and I knew he was coming but I didn't think much of it until he was there. I was nervous as usual, a little more this time because I knew he was a comedic genius and would be expecting, well, comedy. Let me add, he did get comedy. It was what he said after when it was all done that really made me feel good.

People told me it was funny, but this is like what a priest would feel like if jesus came down and said "Hey man, you're a great christian you've got to potential to make it to heaven."

Like I said, it's corny, but I feel accomplished.

Here I am, 18 years old I'm so confused with everything I have no idea where my future is going. College is there, but what am I going to do with it?

There is Mitch, and the O-Show. I wrote the sketches and really liked it. I don't think I've ever been so dedicated to make something good as this. Every time I'm out there, I try to put every ounce of energy, I really do. So when Mitch said "Rod, Excellent performance. You were great up there." I feel like i'm dreaming. It's so hard to put into words.

So I guess I'll just barf it out...

He said I have potential as a script writer. Not only that but he commented on how well the lines were said. This made me think, if I enjoyed this, and if people think it comes natural to me-then what the hell? Well, I don't know how easy it is to make into Hollywood, and this is crazy to even begin to think of this as a future but I can't help and say "What if?". What if Mitch can smell something about me that I don't even know? Hell, it could be Waiting for Rod in 25 years. I wish.

But for tonight, I want to say that the cast is doing great. The Managers, tech, all of you. I'm very proud of all of you because the stuff I wrote, and the stuff I act in, I give it all. It makes me feel a thousand times better knowing that you give it your all.

I have no idea where i'm going with this post, it's a long barf, I know.

I'm also very inconsistent with my "i"'s, it's a little funny.

Thanks, and I appreciate it.


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