There's no need to worry, this is just a vacation. This isn't permenant leaving.


I could feel

your warmth.

You held me tight and dug your nails into my back. I remember when I dipped my face into your hair, that smell that drove me crazy filled my breath with ecstasy. You and me enveloped into one, pushing ourselves together again. That warmth filled the room, growing more and more as we forced each other closer. Your fingers trailed along teasing my skin that begged for more, Your small hand tightened around my arm as you dug your fingers into my skin after every breath. Oh but how momentous was it when I stood apart and we gazed into each others eyes for a second admiring the beauty of our skins.

I stared into your eyes and remembered that gaze. There had been many times when I had stared into your eyes and knew what they said. I am sure that I had given you the same look so many times, "I want you." I yelled with a look, blinked and screamed "I NEED YOU."


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