There's no need to worry, this is just a vacation. This isn't permenant leaving.



There are bars and prisons everywhere.

In my wallet, in my phone conversations, in the people I deal with daily.

My family, my hobbies, my genes and my love.

I am almost ready to take whatever is necessary to free myself. I understand that freedom is a subjective view, that freedom can only exist in ones mind and never be fully exerted.

A free man is a man that does not live.

A man is born free, but there are chains everywhere.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is funny that you feel this way. For many years i felt the same way, but at the end it is all the shit we were put through in our lifes. Shit i'm not making excuses for the stuff i used to do, but we never had a clear direction. I think that i'm a smart guy, what could of been if only. I think i've accomplished a lot, more than my parents would ever dream and i could tell you that it was not because of them. For me it was just one of those, days when i woke up and I knew that i didn't wanted to be like my father. I was just too smart to cheat myself like that. I know people and society are stupid but at the end i know where i'm in life and where i fit in society. Keep looking ahead, you can do whatever your dream is society; just remember to play the game---Don't let the game play you, if you do you will always lose.
Love You.......
You guys always forget how much everyone of you mean to me. You are incredible smart just read the shit you write FuQ man.....stupid dumbFQ......